Thursday, February 2, 2012

WHEELS PSA Finalists!

Congratulations to the following 9th graders for taking a stand! Each of the following presentations show excellence in one or more aspects of a Public Service Announcement. Please leave your feedback in the 'comment' section below!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

Rubric: Public Service Announcement

Use the rubric below to add specific comments to the PSAs and to guide the creation of your original PSA.

Persuasive Writing RUBRIC: Public Service Announcement

4 - Exceeds
3 - Meets
2 – Approaches
1 - Initiates
0-      Little to no Evidence


(Taking a clear stand)

PSA takes a clear stand on a local and specific issue related to health in Washington Heights. Extremely clear target audience.

Message is fully developed and effectively responds to the prompt.

Ideas are clearly developed to support message

PSA takes a stand on a local and specific issue related to health in Washington HeightsClear target audience.

Message adequately responds to the prompt.

Ideas are adequately developed to support message

PSA may or may not take a clear stand. May or may not be local, specific, and/or related to health in Washington Heights. Aware of target audience.
Message partially responds to the prompt.
Ideas have some development to support, but may be inconsistent
PSA may or may not take a clear stand.  Not local, specific, or related to health in Washington Heights.  Target audience unclear.

Message does not clearly respond to prompt.

Ideas are not developed to support message.
PSA is not focused.  Message not local, specific, or related to health in Washington Heights. No target audience.

Unclear and not developed

Evidence and Explanation

Writer uses a large amount (6 or more pieces) of relevant, specific, and accurate evidence to support argument. Includes a variety of evidence such as facts, statistics, expert opinions, definitions, anecdotes and/or examples.

Excellent job choosing quotes that best defend the message.  The writer only uses the most important part of the evidence.
Writer uses (3-5 pieces) relevant, specific and accurate evidence to support argument. Includes some variety of evidence such as facts, statistics, expert opinions, definitions, anecdotes, and/or examples.
Good job choosing quotes that defend message.  The writer only uses most important part of the evidence 
Writer some (3 or fewer pieces) relevant and specific evidence to support argument. Accuracy of evidence may be questionable.  Includes little variety of evidence

Quotes defend message but may include too much or too little evidence.
Writer uses evidence but may not be relevant or specific.  Accuracy of evidence is in question.  Evidence not varied.

Quotes do not clearly defend message.
Writer does not use evidence to support arguments. 

Quotes do not clearly defend thesis or supporting reasons. 
Structure and Organization

PSA has a clear beginning, middle, and end that develops a well-focused message.

  Engages the audience with a hook, develops the PSA with well-timed text and media evidence, and concludes the PSA with a clear and relevant call to action.  Audience feels engaged for entire PSA.  60-90 seconds long
PSA has a beginning, middle, and end that develops a focused message.

  Engages the audience with a hook, develops the PSA with well-timed text and media evidence, and concludes the PSA with a relevant call to action.  Audience feels engaged for most of PSA.  30-90 seconds long
PSA has a beginning, middle, and end, but one part may be too long or short.

  Develops the message with text and media evidence, but evidence may or may not be well-timed. Concludes the PSA with a call to action.  Audience feels engaged for parts of the PSA.  30-90 seconds long
PSA is missing a beginning, middle, and/or end.

Message seems underdeveloped.  May be poorly timed or sparse.  Call to action is somewhat unclear.  Audience engaged for only parts of PSA.  Not 30-90 sec long
PSA has no organizing structure.  Does not consider timing. Call to action is missing or unclear.
Author's Craft:
Elements of Persuasion
Witing effectively utilizes and varies persuasive writing techniques to convey meaning including building credibility of writer (ethos), appealing to emotions, values, and beliefs of audience (pathos), and using logic and reason (logos) to construct argument.

PSA is very convincing!
Writing utilizes and has some variety of persuasive writing techniques to convey meaning including building credibility of writer (ethos), appealing to emotions, values, and beliefs of audience (pathos), and/or using logic and reason (logos) to construct argument.

PSA is convincing.
Writing utilizes some persuasive writing technique, but may  be missing one major element (ethos, pathos, or logos). 

PSA is somewhat convincing.
Writing is missing major element of persuasion (ethos, pathos, or logos). 

PSA is not very convincing.
Writing does not consider persuasive writing technique (ethos,pathos, logos)

PSA is not convincing.
Artistic Presentation / Film elements
Presentation is artistically designed and uses digital format to present information in a unique and meaningful way.  Uses film elements (including soundtrack, images, camera shots, etc) in an original way.  Extremely attractive and engaging!
Presentation is artistically designed and uses digital format to present information in a  meaningful way.  Uses film elements (including soundtrack, images, camera shots, etc) in an original way.  Attractive and engaging.
Presentation is somewhat artistically designed and uses digital format to present information.  Uses some film elements (including soundtrack, images, camera shots, etc) to communicate.  Presentation could be improved.
Presentation is missing artistic elements and design.  May or may not use film elements to communicate.  Presentation needs improvement
Presentation is not in digital format.  Missing some/all film elements to communicate.
(research packet)
Writer gathers a variety of relevant and accurate information from three or more credible sources.  Research is well-organized and clearly cited (title, author, URL). Information is collected using direct quotation and paraphrasing.  PSA reflects well-investigated topic.
Writer gathers a variety of relevant and accurate information from three credible sources.  Research is organized and cited (title, author, URL). Information is collected using direct quotation and paraphrasing.  PSA reflects an investigated topic.
Writer gathers some relevant and accurate information from two or more sources. Some sources may not be credible.  Research is somewhat organized and mostly cited (title, author, URL). Information may or may not be collected using direct quotation and paraphrasing.  PSA may or may not reflect well-investigated topic.
Writer gathers information, but may not be relevant or accurate.  Some or all sources may not be credible.  Research is not clearly organized and lacks citation.  PSA does not reflect well-researched topic.
Little or no information gathered in research packet
Grammar/ Conventions,
No misspelled words and no grammatical errors;
Few misspelled word and/or grammatical errors; but none that impede with understanding
Some misspelled words and grammatical errorsAt least one error interferes with understanding
Several misspelled words and/or grammatical errors.   Difficult to understand because many mistakes
Many misspelled words and/or grammatical errors.  Writing is not credible because so many mistakes

Classwork PSA: Clean water

Jennifer Connelly in charity: water Public Service Announcement from charity: water on Vimeo.

Directions: Watch the PSA below. Then use the rubric to give specific feedback. Please make sure your comments address all parts of the rubric category. Also, please make sure you are being precise and accurate in your response

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Reliable Sources for Research

Reliable sources for research:
Campus Library Homepage:

·       EBSCO Databases  username:  eroosevelt   password:  eroosevelt
·       ELL Database
·       Gale Databases  password: empirelink
·       Grolier Database
·       Visual Thesaurus

Other Reliable Sources:

More PSAs

Use the following PSAs as examples for your own PSA.  Notice how persuasive elements (ethos, pathos, logos) and film elements work together to communicate a focused message.

Also, feel free to comment on persuasive elements and film elements in the PSAs below.  Describe and analyze in your posts.  Respond to one another.  Remember, be professional and precise/accurate in your comments!

Untitled from Anthony Voulgarides on Vimeo.

Untitled from Anthony Voulgarides on Vimeo.

Example PSAs

Use the following PSAs as examples for your own PSA.  Notice how persuasive elements (ethos, pathos, logos) and film elements work together to communicate a focused message.

Also, feel free to comment on persuasive elements and film elements in the PSAs below.  Describe and analyze in your posts.  Respond to one another.  Remember, be professional and precise/accurate in your comments!

Untitled from Anthony Voulgarides on Vimeo.

Untitled from Anthony Voulgarides on Vimeo.

Untitled from Anthony Voulgarides on Vimeo.

Untitled from Anthony Voulgarides on Vimeo.

Untitled from Anthony Voulgarides on Vimeo.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Taking A Stand: Public Service Announcement

English One                                                                              
Unit 3 ~ Individuality
Taking a Stand PSA (Public Service Announcement)

What?            What do you care about?  What concerns do you have?  On behalf of what issue are you willing to raise your voice?  You are the director of an ad campaign to bring awareness to health concerns in Washington Heights.  Your job is to better your community by bringing attention to an issue that you care about. 

Create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) to bring awareness of to a local and specific issue of your choice.  As the director of your PSA, you will use research, use persuasive devices, and use film techniques to communicate a focused message. The PSA will focus on two things: 1)  how you feel about the issue, and 2) call to action à what we want an individual, group, or organization to do about the issue. 

Think on a small, personal scale.  Address an issue within the WHEELS school community, Washington Heights community, or greater New York. 

Why?            “It takes a great deal of courage to stand alone,” said Juror 9 in Twelve Angry Men (63).  Through our study of the drama, we have discussed how challenging, yet important it is to stand up for what we believe in.  We will use our persuasive writing skills to communicate our opinions and have others listen to our concerns.

Who?            Your PSA will be posted on a WHEELS Web Channel or blog.  Your PSA will be sent the individual, group, or organization that is relevant to your issue.  We will be actually publishing these, so make sure you give your best effort to represent yourself and the WHEELS community!

Where?          This project will be accomplished through classwork and homework.  That means it is even more important for you to bring yourself and this project, on time, every day we have English!